Why Growth Requires Change
Growth is such a beautiful, complex journey. It’s one of those things that can feel both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. When I think about what growth means to me, I see it as a continuous evolution—a constant shedding of old layers to reveal the truest version of myself. But let’s keep it all the way real, this process isn’t always easy. It requires change, and change isn’t always comfortable, but it’s absolutely necessary. You have to get comfortable with the discomfort. Its also imperative to acknowledge that growth isn’t always about hitting big milestones or making massive strides forward. Evolving looks like subtle shifts, quiet moments, and the gentle unfolding of who you are becoming. Expansion naturally brings change with it. It shakes things up, and it can be messy. But that’s okay, because it’s part of the process.
The only thing constant in our lives and world is change. I’ve had to remind myself that growth requires me to honor boundaries that align with the person I am evolving into. As navigate through my journey of growth, I’ve noticed that the things, people, and even the habits that once felt so aligned with who I was, no longer fit. It’s like trying to squeeze into an old pair of jeans that no longer match your style or size. You might feel a sense of nostalgia for how well they fit back in the day, but deep down, you know it’s time to let them go. This is where honoring boundaries comes in. Setting boundaries used to feel like closing doors or saying no to opportunities. Now, I see them as the complete opposite—they’re gateways that protect my energy and guide me toward what aligns with who I’m becoming. As you grow, it’s essential to honor the boundaries that resonate with your evolving self. These boundaries aren’t just about saying no to what doesn’t serve you; they’re about saying yes to the things that do. It’s a commitment to honoring the version of yourself that you are stepping into, even when it means letting go of the things that no longer serve you.
Which brings me to the next part of my growth journey: intentionally pouring into spaces and things that feel good to me — whether it’s relationships, projects, or even self-care practices. I used to think that success meant constant hustling, always grinding, and giving my energy to everything and everyone. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle, to filling your calendar with obligations that drain you rather than uplift you. But through my journey of growth, it has taught me to be intentional with my time and energy. I started to ask myself, “Does this add value to my life? Does this activity, person, or experience make me feel good, empowered, and aligned with my purpose?” If the answer is no, then I know it’s not for me, and I release it without guilt. I’ve come to understand the importance of intentionally choosing where my energy goes. I focus on what lights me up, what makes me feel whole.
That’s where my power lies—within the things that align with my soul.
One of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned is that there’s incredible strength in isolation. I used to be afraid of being alone, thinking it was a sign of loneliness or that I was missing out on something. But now, I see isolation as a sacred space where I can connect with myself on a deeper level. It’s in those quiet moments that I find clarity, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose. Isolation isn’t about shutting the world out; it’s about tuning into my inner world, where true growth begins. It’s about honoring solitude as a time to reflect, recharge, and reconnect with myself. There’s beauty in quiet moments, in sitting with myself and listening to what your soul needs. It’s in these moments that I’ve found clarity, strength, and a deeper understanding of who I truly am.
So, what does growth mean to me? It means embracing the changes that come with expansion, honoring boundaries that align with who I’m becoming, intentionally pouring into the spaces and things that feel good, and finding power in moments of solitude. Growth is a journey, and it’s one that I’m committed to taking, every step of the way. And as I continue to evolve, I’m excited to see where this path of growth will lead me next.