Personal Growth: Finding Fulfillment and Life Purpose

The best part of it all, it is my choice is mine to make.
I finally made it, after years of going back and forth. I have arrived in a space that I have always felt was destined for me. To be right here writing my thoughts – on my own sh*t – sharing my personal growth journey, exploring the world. Sharing all things me, with you.
It has been a journey for me to embrace this new path. One that has lingered in my mind and heart for a while. I am a firm believer in listening to yourself and trusting your intuition. Before making any decision, I ask myself how it aligns with my life purpose. If it doesn’t feel right, I’m not doing it. If the energy doesn’t resonate, I want nothing to do with it. I’m here to prioritize fulfillment and intentional living.
In my life I have done my best to allow my internal compass to guide me. Before starting this personal growth journey on my blog, I had reached a point in my life where I just wanted more. More enjoyment, more experiences and, most importantly, more fulfillment.
After working in corporate for an extended amount of time things started to feel real …… resistant. I was so tired of coming home feeling depleted, unheard, unseen and quite frankly defeated. Spending hours and hours of my time trying to figure out where I was going wrong. One day, after speaking with a friend, I realized I am not meant to stay in a box with glass ceilings.
While I appreciate and admire all the amazing women who play the corporate game to break barriers for our future generations. I felt unaligned and it wasn’t my fight to fight. Trust me, all parts of me wanted to overcome the corporate challenges. I knew I was capable of overcoming all adversities. It boiled down to f*ck being capable, is this even worth it? That is when I made the decision that it was time for me to focus on my life purpose. To live intentionally and to seek fulfillment in a way that empowered my soul.
I spent time taking inventory of my life and thinking to myself – If not this, what am I supposed to do now? What am I passionate about? What is my why for all that I am doing in my life? Who am I? Who do I want to be? How do I want my daughter to see me? What is the legacy that I want to build? What is the life that I truly want to create? I took the time and space to do the work of self-discovery. My personal growth journey has led me to focus on fulfillment, intentional living, and building a legacy that reflects my true values. Upon listening to an audible, I wrote on my mirror who I was committed to becoming.
I declared to live a life I truly enjoyed, doing things that empowered my soul and brought me true fulfillment.
– Chelle
I thought carefully about who I envisioned myself to be in the future while aligning with who I am and who I have always been. With declaration, I wrote down down 5 ways for me to measure success and fulfillment in my life time:
- CEO / Owner
- Author
- World Traveler
- Philanthropist
- Healer
Serving as a daily reminder – inspiring me to pursue intentional living. That is why I created my blog. I am passionate about personal growth, traveling around the world and making a positive impact on every life that intersects with my journey.
So here I am, with new goals, an abundance of land to explore and ready to document each moment of this fulfilling, purpose driven life.